Friday, March 28, 2008

Pennsylvania Senator Bob Casey Endorses Obama

After giving Hillary a back-handed compliment -- "She was gracious ... and we know that she's a great senator, she's a great leader" -- Thursday evening, Senator Bob Casey chooses to endorse Barack Obama. Seems like a slap in the face to me. He did this despite the fact that all political polls show Hillary as winning the Pennsylvania primary.

Maybe this partially explains why he's endorsing Barack:

"Casey is a first-term senator and son of a popular former Gov. Bob Casey Sr." It seems that Senator Casey is still a little green. I think that one of the reasons that Senator Casey and many others have endorsed Barack is because they would rather have an African American man as President than any woman --regardless of race or religion. To me, that shows just how far behind the U.S. is socially compared to many other countries. The U.S. has fallen and I seriously question its ability to get back up.

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