Wednesday, March 5, 2008

John McCain - A Questionable Second Choice

Today, John McCain was formally endorsed by GWB. McCain and GWB were bitter rivals in 2000. Now, they seem to be buddies. This does not bode well for Senator McCain. At one time, he might have been my first choice for the 2008 election. However, it seems that he has crushed under pressure from his peers into supporting GWB even though his approval rating has been hovering around 30% for at least 6 months. Thus, I no longer trust McCain's integrity. That said, I might very well vote for him if Obama gets handed the primary on a silver platter due to fear of retaliation. That's the problem when you have a close race between an African American and a Caucasian. Violence could erupt if he loses because people will say it was a "race thing." To these people, I say bullshit. It's a character and experience thing. McCain has been involved in politics since the 80's. Obama was still in college and law school throughout the 80's.

Well, I'm not going to dig deep on Obama right now since Hillary is still in the race. Nevertheless, I hope that every U.S citizen does their due diligence so that they can make an informed vote on November 4, 2008.

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