Monday, June 9, 2008

Woo Me Barack . . . PunditMom has a good point

In a recent article, PunditMom talks about Barack needing to woo Democrats who supported Hillary. I'm a man. So, flowers or chocolates definitely aren't going to do it for me! Respect is a start, but I'm not sure that's enough. Cutting your ties with (now) convicts and other questionable people would definitely be nice. "But I can't control what they do,' you plead. True, but you can certainly control what you do. Furthermore, stop telling us lies. You say that you don't accept money from lobbyists and such, but you know that's not true. Here's proof from the The Boston Globe, Columbia Journalism Review, and even the Chicago Tribune. I can't speak for PunditMom, but you need to prove to me that you're not "the great deceiver".

Campaigning is stressful, no doubt. However, it's nothing like the stress of dealing with foreign leaders who dislike the U.S. It's nothing like the stress of U.S. citizens in an uproar over a failing economy. You need to prove to me that you have the backbone to stand up to our enemies --and without alienating them even further if that's possible. You need to prove to me that you have a rigorous plan to improve our relations with Russia and South American countries --especially Venezuela. You need to show me a solid plan that will both balance our budget and improve our economy. Your eloquent speeches might be pleasing to some ears, but actions (or plans to actions) speak much louder than words.

The bottom line is that the Pied Piper (aka Barack Obama) needs to stop playing the beautiful song that has been alluring citizens and delegates alike and start brainstorming viable plans to get us out of our current mess. Honestly, I don't care for some of the decisions you made in the U.S. senate. So, it is going to be tough for you to convince me you're the person that should get my vote.

1 Write a comment!:

PunditMom said...

Thanks for the shout out! I think Obama needs to focus on those 18 million Clinton voters more than the red states he says he's going to focus on.