Sunday, April 6, 2008

Does Barack consider his candidacy more important than his heritage?

Why is it that Barack, the only African American among the 3 candidates who are still campaigning, did not attend the Martin Luther King Jr. 40th anniversary memorial in Memphis? Is he putting his candidacy in front of his heritage? Hillary Clinton attended the memorial and gave an emotional speech. John McCain also attended the memorial. For whatever reason, they decided to interview him while one of King's relatives was speaking. McCain wasn't received as warmly due to his voting against the MLK holiday back in 1983.

Various people have cautioned other politicians not to read too much into Barack's absence from the memorial. I don't think I'm reading to much by saying that he considers his campaign more important than his heritage. Barack was a mere 6 years old when Martin Luther King Jr. was shot. Thus, his personal memories would have been very minute. However, I am sure that his family spoke to him about it when he became old enough to understand. Yet, Barack did not express his family's sadness and/or anger over King's assassination when he spoke of King in Indiana.

What is it going to take for people to realize that Barack Obama is a fraud? He turns his back on his heritage. He and his family attended a church where many of the sermons were racist (against "white" people), anti-gay, anti-semitic, and sometimes even anti-American. He associates with criminals. Is that not enough to discredit this man? Would we have to rip (a hypothetical) liquid latex mask off of Barack's face to show he's actually Caucasian in order for people to see him for what he is? He might not have been corrupted by Washington DC, but he came onto the scene corrupt. Barack was corrupt in Illinois and he is corrupt now.

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