Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Obama - The Great Deceiver: Redux (Truth in media . . . or not)

I said it in my Obama - The Great Deceiver post and I'll say it again. I strongly feel that Barack Obama is completely media generated. It started in 2004 when Democrats had him speak at the Democratic National Convention. Ever since, the media has run with Barack acting as if he's the Messiah or something. On one hand, I can see why. He's young, handsome, and capable of giving great speeches. Thus, I think that the media is treating Barack like a pop culture icon much like teen magazines and such treat Justin Timberlake. However, the truth is that Barack Obama is not a pop culture icon. He's 1 of 2 democratic presidential candidates. If he wins the nomination, Barack is potential going to be the face and mouthpiece of the U.S. to the rest of the world. Therefore, the questions we all need to ask is:

1) Can Barack Obama regain the respect of the NATO countries?

2) Can Barack Obama be a strong, effective leader among nations who despise the U.S.?

3) Can Barack Obama bring about real change in domestic affairs such as the economy, education, and health care?

4) Can Barack Obama accomplish what few, if any, have been able to accomplish since Ronald Reagan by improving our relationship with Russia and possibly even gaining them as a very strong ally?
Personally, I'm not so sure that Barack can regain the respect of NATO countries or be an effective leader among nations who despise us. I think that GWB, McCain and others might have a good point when they say that Barack might try to negotiate with terrorist sponsoring countries. Barack might be able to affect positive change regarding some domestic affairs. However, I am also quite unsure that he would be a leader that could strengthen our relationship with Russia. If we want to be less dependent on the Middle East, we need Russia as an ally. Why? Because there's a lot of untapped oil in Siberia.

Some of you might be asking, "what prompted me to write this article?" Well, I stumbled across an article on Politico over the weekend. It's an article about how the media is already claiming that Obama is the democratic nominee. I've seen the media reporting this garbage first hand. In fact, I have links in some of my recent posts to such articles. The truth is that Barack has not won the democratic nomination. Furthermore, Hillary has just won another primary in Kentucky --and by a large margin. Thus, she is still very much in the race. For Barack, his campaign, the media, or anyone else to say otherwise is both heinous and false.

What do I and other seekers and writers of truth have to say to make people realize that Barack is just another politician? He might be a pop culture icon, but he is certainly no Messiah and does not deserve the gratuitous votes that he's been receiving. I am writing this with sternness to all U.S. citizens: This is not a season of American Idol. This is not a pageant for Miss Universe. This is a presidential election. Again, this person, if elected, is going to be the face and mouthpiece for our nation. Do we want a pop culture icon or someone with the skills and experience to do a great job?

Barack is just as tainted and corrupt as any other Washington politician if not more so. Let's stop treating him like he's made of gold and can do no wrong and start voting for a person who can affect real, positive change . . . Hillary Clinton.

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Toad734 said...

Why doesn't Hilary have to answer the same questions? We all know the answers for Bush is no but he still got elected.

Stop pretending that Obama isn't a genuine leader. He never had a father, his mother died of Cancer, he was raised by white grandparents, he was always the "black guy", he graduated from Columbia, then became the first black president of Harvard Law Review, is the first viable black candidate for the President of the US, is still winning despite his name being Barack Obama and Rev. Wright. The media didn't make him President of Harvard Law Review, the media didn't get him into Harvard, didn't make him a professor at the prestigeous University of Chicago or get him elected to the Illinois Senate or write his speeches for him or make him as smart as he is.

If Hilary Clinton was still named Hilary Rodham, you wouldn't even know who she was. But she was born about a block away from me.

Im not saying she isn't qualified or capable but no more so than Obama. At least Obama had to work to get where he is and isn't a legacy candidate like Bush or Clinton.